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Avatar of Nisha Tung.
Operation Director
over 1 year

尋找全新機會,歡迎大家來聊聊😉 #opportunities #轉職 #行銷策略 #品牌運營

Avatar of 賴彤兒.
Digital Consultant | Marketing Expert
over 1 year

What is Blockchain?

In short, blockchain technology can keep track of all transactions within a system along with their details in a secure and transparent manner.

Five Properties:

1. Decentralization

2. Consensus

3. Anonymity

4. Immutability

5. Traceability

Three main benefits:

1. Better security: Transactions are secure and private.

2. Better Efficiency: Transaction records are transparent.

3. Better Reliability: Increased data accuracy prevents transaction records from being manipulated.

The Core of Blockchain: Decentralization and Security

The distributed ledger system is why blockchain is decentralized and does not require a central authority to operate. Each member shares equal rights and obligations as well as opportunities to gain rewards. A decentralized distributed ledger also provides better security measures against fraud and cyberattacks.


#security #technology #opportunities

#web3 #Blockchain

Avatar of Cybavo Employee.
QA Manager @ CYBAVO 博歐科技有限公司
about 2 years

新春愉快!CYBAVO 博歐科技 期待各方好手加入,共創虎虎生風的未來。

誠徵 一年以上測試經驗想精進測試技巧的 QA 及 期待在區塊鏈領域大展身手的 Sr. QA,歡迎私訊聊聊或直接應徵 :)

最新職缺請見: https://www.cakeresume.com/companies/cybavo-d82e91/jobs

#CYBAVO #博歐科技 #blockchain #blockchaintechnology #wearehiring #opportunities #jobseeking #jobopenings #qaengineer #softwaretesting #徵才 #求才 #區塊鏈 #web30 #web3point0


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