Tern Bicycles cover image
Logo of Tern Bicycles.
Logo of Tern Bicycles.

Tern Bicycles

Logo of Tern Bicycles.
Tern Bicycles
Logo of Tern Bicycles.
Tern Bicycles

Company summary


Tern 致力於改善人民的行動能力。我們的使命是讓人們能夠為社會貢獻更多—— 無論是以腳踏車代替汽車、用腳踏車經營企業或是克服任何行動上的障礙。我們透過創造實用、經久耐用的自行車,使我們的社區變得更宜居、平衡及永續。

在 Tern,你將與一個來自世界各地及非常多樣化的團隊一起工作,大家都是為了這個使命而共同努力。正如我們相信自行車創新一樣,我們也相信在工作環境上的創新,創造一個熱情、充實和不斷發展的環境,為同仁夥伴提供一個成長和學習的途徑。

We're in the business of improving movement. Our mission is to empower people to do more by bike—whether that means replacing a car, running a business, or overcoming mobility barriers. We do that by creating useful, built-to-last bikes, and by making our communities more sustainable, equitable, and livable in the process.

At Tern, you will work with an incredibly diverse group of people, based in cities around the world, who are all aligned with this mission. And just as we believe in bike innovation, we believe in workplace innovation, to create an environment that is welcoming, fulfilling, and continually evolves to provide avenues for growth and learning.

Products or services

We build bikes with an eye to changing the world.

Read more about us here: http://TernBicycles.com


本公司之主品牌 _ Tern,其車款獲得多項國際級設計獎項,包含紅點設計獎,iF 設計獎暨全球最大自行車展 Eurobike 設計獎之肯定。



Our brand, Tern, has won multiple international design awards for its bicycles, including the Red Dot Design Award, the iF Design Award, and recognition at the world's largest bicycle show, the Eurobike Design Award.

One of our favorite mottos is "Good, better, best." Our products are designed with a vision for functionality and long-term use. 

When something is worth doing, it's worth doing well, whether it's a major project or the smallest detail. To achieve greatness, we set high standards and strive to surpass them repeatedly. We are here to do things right.



價值觀(R.I.D.E) :

Our mission is to keep the planet a livable place for future generations and we're committed to encouraging more people to use bicycles for their transport needs. We design and manufacture bicycles designed for urban mobility, specifically electric bicycles, cargo bicycles, and folding bicycles.

Values (R.I.D.E):
Respect — for people, the planet, and ourselves
Integrity — do the right thing, do what we promise
Development — constant drive to improve and innovate our products, ourselves, and society
Excellence — expect greatness, in all that we do

Media coverage

Employee benefits

  • 工作與生活平衡 
  1. 不定期實施一週工作 4 天專案 
  2. 優質上班環境-有很棒的咖啡!及提供氣泡水還有不定時水果和點心提供同仁享用
  • 自行車文化
  1. 參加騎自行車上下班方案,符合公司騎車上班的規定與時間,你所騎的車將送給您
  2. 不定期舉辦團隊同仁騎乘活動 
  3. 新產品研發試用 
  • 獎金
  1. 利潤分享計劃 
  2. 年度獎金 
  3. 員工認股制度 
  • 終身學習
  1. 持續且完善的教育訓練 
  2. 鼓勵同仁自我進修補助 
  3. 同仁子女體育活動補助 
  4. 同仁子女大學學費補助 
  • 其他
  1. 員工意外保險、出差旅平險 
  2. 定期健康檢查補助 
  3. 優於勞基法之有薪病假 
  4. 彈性的上班時間和人性化,國際化及彈性的管理制度 
  5. 結合市場薪資水平,每年定期檢視內部薪資結構 
  6. 三節禮金,生育、婚喪喜慶之祝賀金或慰問金,生日員購優惠卷,公司產品優惠價 
  7. 提供員工免費機車停車位 
  8. Year-end events, staff trips and activities 年終尾牙活動以及不定期之員工活動(如員工旅遊,一日慈善/環保活動等)
  • Work/Life Balance
  1. 4-Day Work Week
  2. Great Coffee!!
  • Bike Culture
  1. Bike to work
  2. Team Rides
  3. Test Rides for Product Development
  • Bonuses
  1. Profit Sharing Plan
  2. Annual Bonus
  3. Stock Ownership
  • Lifelong Learning
  1. Continuing Education
  2. Extracurricular Courses
  3. Kid's Sports Activities
  4. College Tuition Subsidies
  • Other Perks
  1. Employee Insurance
  2. Health Check Subsidies
  3. Paid sick leave
  4. Flexible clock in / out
  5. Regular Salary Review
  6. Holiday bonuses
  7. Free Parking
  8. Year-end events, staff trips and activities

Work environment


Step into Tern's cutting-edge office space, where standardized cubicles are replaced with an open, collaborative environment. Experience a harmonious atmosphere that sparks seamless communication and teamwork among team members.


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Human Resources Manager
Avatar of the user.
Senior Payroll Specialist

Tech stack

我們正在尋找一位細心注重細節的銷售助理,積極主動,並以數據為基礎,加入我們的業務團隊。 我們需要你能夠幫忙或協助以下工作: 協助銷售部門通過系統協助處理國際客戶訂單。 協調整個組織的資訊-確保提供準確的訂單和生產資訊。 了解並滿足客戶的需求和要求。 安排向客戶交付訂單。 參與銷售數據分析,為銷售團隊提供意見。 其他主管交付任務(例如,貿易展覽規劃、經銷商會議等)
38K ~ 45K TWD / month
1 years of experience required
No management responsibility

職務說明 1.審核各項憑證發票、單據及帳務處理。 2.編製結帳相關報表及其他財務分析資料等。 3.依據需要進行稅務申報 4.製作財務報表 5.有成本會計經驗者佳,依能力敘薪。
35K ~ 45K TWD / month
3 years of experience required
No management responsibility

【工作概要】 我們正在尋找熱愛自行車的售後支援(零件和技術)來支持 Tern 全球經銷商和經銷商網絡,通過辨別和維護補修零件計畫來提供自行車維修和令配件技術方面的參考,讓 Tern 的騎行者能永續行駛並有效縮短服務時間。 職務內容如下: 自行車補修零件的產品/產品檔案管理 制定和發布解決技術問題的指南 維護準確的產品數據和產品生命週期的狀態 能為客人開發並維護在線服務解決方案 能按時完成工作...
500K ~ 900K TWD / year
1 years of experience required
No management responsibility