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聚典資訊 Ret[AI]ling Data

Logo of 聚典資訊 Ret[AI]ling Data.
聚典資訊 Ret[AI]ling Data
Logo of 聚典資訊 Ret[AI]ling Data.
聚典資訊 Ret[AI]ling Data
À propos de

Description de l'Entreprise


Ret[AI]ling Data Enterprise, which focuses on the integration of consumer experience and artificial intelligence(A.I.) in Taiwan. Providing the best O2O (online to offline) expansion consultation in retail industry, positioning the expansion ability to urban entity storefronts, moreover, providing the most suitable physical interaction experience space for online stores. At the current stage of development, we specialize in optimizing store sites selection for retail chains. In addition, we will integrate our past retail consulting experience in the Asia Pacific region and are committed to becoming one of the most outstanding retailing expansion consulting company for smart retailing in Asia.

Produits ou Services

Ret[AI]ling Data®
Smart Business Expansion (SBE)

  1. Big Data Collecting and Reacting
  2. Cloud Storage Computing Technology
  3. Data visualization

This product provides a heat map that is based on the B2C invoice amount released from the Ministry of Finance.Along with the data collected from Smart Movement Flow (SMF) and Smart Sales Promotion (SSP), our clients can realize the time frame each customer stays in a given store, their age, and invoice amount within a certain district. Customer Active Index (CAI) is therefore calculated and transferred into the visualized chart to assist our clients in making precise decisions in expanding their branches.

Ret[AI]ling Data®
Smart Movement Flow (SMF)

  1. Big Data Collection and Preprocessing
  2. Visual Image Detection
  3. Character Line Analysis

This product detects and records the direction and intensity of people in a commercial shopping mall or district. It would facilitate our clients to design or arrange the layout in the shopping area to avoid people crowding. In addition, vehicles can also be detected to assist our clients in managing their entrance/exit to protect the safety of their customers.

Ret[AI]ling Data®
Smart Sales Promotion (SSP)

  1. Machine Learning/Deep Learning
  2. Character Recognition
  3. Instant Marketing Conversion

Ret[AI]ling Data® SSP integrates Facial Recognition Technology and Advertising promotion. Doing-real time analysis on facial characteristic (for example:age,gender,emotion) for customers through front camera and Deep Learning can determine customer shopping preferences and promote precise advertisement for customers. Also, through amusing system, improve customer interactive experience and successfully catch customers' eye to raise promotion effectiveness. 

Ret[AI]ling Data®
Customer Data Platform (First CDP)

  1. Data Collection and Cleaning
  2. AI Empowerment Analysis and Prediction
  3. Grasp Profile and Precise Marketing

Ret[AI]ling Data® First CDP is committed to letting data speak for itself with Statistical Models, AI technology and other analysis methods and finding out business value from a large amount of data. An interactive platform makes it easy for users to operate and can rapidly make different cross-analysis to grasp operations and customer information for companies in real time. Thus, companies can make appropriate mangement decisions and advanced marketing strategies which show that Ret[AI]ling Data® First CDP is an efficient function for increasing revenue. 


1. 專注於「AI技術應用於零售場域服務」。

2. 真心誠意代表公司的品格。

3. 謙遜直接向【市場】學習。

4. 巧數據、真數字、實作事。

5. 自律、誠信、開放的工作環境。

Couverture Médiatique


2019 台北國際電腦展CompuTEX/ InnoVEX桃園館

2019 台北國際人工智慧物聯網展(AIoT)

2019 亞洲最大創新創業嘉年華(Meet Taipei Startups Festival)-AI解決方案展區

2019 資訊月-解密AI主題展區

2020 美國消費電子展(CES) 台灣館

2020 東京人工智慧應用展(AI Expo Tokyo) 台灣館

2020 台北國際電腦展CompuTEX-智慧零售展區

2020 台北智慧城市展-智慧零售展區

2022 台北Touch Taiwan-智慧顯示展覽會

-2022.04.29 AI聚典新創 結合OMO數據獲智慧零售獎 (工商時報)

-2021.11.16 台灣OMO數據整合領導廠商 (工商時報)
-2021.07.28 NKIC育成有成 雲象、開酷、聚典獲最佳AI新創 (經濟日報)
-2021.07.02 AI新創聚典資訊開發第一方顧客數據平台 Ret[AI]ling Data®First CDP (工商時報)
-2021.03.16 新創聚典資訊展店SaaS平台 數據驅動精準選址佈局 (工商時報)
-2021.01.11 智慧跨域人才培育 聚典協力新創生態 (工商時報)
-2020.09.05 聚典資訊 實體零售數位轉型專家 (工商時報)
-2020.09.01 台灣創新技術博覽會 亞洲.矽谷率隊展示 (工商時報)
-2020.08.18 亞洲.矽谷計畫執行中心將率領16家國內廠商於台灣創新技術博覽會呈現「5G智慧城市應用」(中央社)
-2020.08.13 透過AI實現智慧零售諮詢的聚典資訊,中原串聯商機媒合會 (天下雜誌)
-2020.07.24 開創商業智慧教育 洞悉全球新商機經營模式
-2020.07.17 智慧商業.未來世界 線上展覽盛大展出 (數位時代/未來商務)
-掌握科技新趨勢 貿協領軍臺灣廠商參加CES (新浪新聞)
-貿協帶領12家台灣廠商參加CES (DIGITIMES智慧應用)
-TYC UP《2019泰國曼谷企業參訪團》(青創指揮部TYC UP)

Avantages Sociaux


◆ 勞保、健保、勞退三合一,保障員工權利
◆ 多元獎酬制度(年終獎金、績效福利金)

◆ 零食櫃/提神現磨咖啡
◆ 帶薪生日假
◆ 健康動起來 健身房/團課優惠
◆ 不定期聚餐補助
◆ 年度員工旅遊補助
◆ 提供進修補助/差旅補助/專業證照補助-鼓勵員工不斷精進學習
◆ 醫務室(H棟2樓)/運動中心(H棟1樓外圍玻璃屋)/桌球室(F棟1樓休閒區)

    Environnement de travail

    • 活潑歡樂的工作氛圍
    • 扁平式管理風格,讓您輕鬆自在討論與工作




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    HR Specialist

    Offres d'Emploi

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    身為顧客關係經理,讓銷售與產品開發團結一致。 負責客戶生命週期的健康情況, 挖掘痛點提供解決方案,為客戶以及企業創造附加價值。 1. 長期客戶關係管理,包含軟體長期訂閱、關係行銷、客戶聯繫 2. 關心客戶目標與需求,並提供的個人化支援 3. 掌握公司產品進度,並激發客戶對新、開發中產品的興趣與期待 4. 產品技術支援與培訓,確保客戶順利採用並熟悉系統應用 5. 密切監控客戶滿意狀況,並透過引...
    40K ~ 60K TWD / mois
    2 years of experience required
    Managing staff numbers: not specified

    【工作內容】 1. 負責影像處理(Python與C++)與資料處理。 2. 負責影像辨識軟體之分析、設計、程式撰寫、測試與修改,並控管進度。 3. 依照專案需求建立影像辨識模組與執行模型加速。 4. 邊緣硬體之整合與模型測試(Jetson nano等)。 5. 負責影像辨識數據等商品化之API撰寫,偕同前後端開發專案。 6. 影像辨識推薦模型之開發與應用。
    46K ~ 60K TWD / mois
    No requirement for relevant working experience
    No management responsibility

    作為數據行銷業務專員,您會是先鋒負責Ret[AI]ling Data商務開發合作! 任務是針對核心產品與開發團隊合作開發,拓展品牌數位行銷的發展,能者多得,能在簽約後獲得BOMUS的業務獎金! 歡迎對數據數位發展有興趣的業務夥伴加入! 【工作內容】 1.開發潛在客戶,拓展市場,以達成業績目標 2.定期拜訪客戶,維繫穩定客戶關係 3.負責國內業務接洽及訂單需求管理 4.負責新產品行銷企劃案之撰...
    35K ~ 40K TWD / mois
    1 years of experience required
    No management responsibility