Freelance Operational

Công việc được cập nhật 12 tháng

Mô tả công việc

- Laki- laki / Perempuan

- Bekerja Harian ( dalam satu minggu mendaptkan 1 hari libur)

- Gaji : 115rb / hari

- Melakukan Pengepakan barang dan persiapan barang untuk dikirim

- Bisa bekerja di lingkungan yang bergerak cepat-Dapat bergabung secepatnya

- Penempatan di Daerah Jakarta Pusat, Senen

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Không yêu cầu kinh nghiệm
115,000 ~ 115,000 IDR / day
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Logo of Howel and Co.

Về chúng tôi

Howel and Co is an e-commerce business that provides perfect gifts for every ocassion. In order to achieve that goal, every Howel and Co product must meet each of these criteria :

1. The product must be Useful

2. Our products is customizable by the customer.

3. Products that is commonly used in everyday life, but rarely bought, such as “Towel or sleepwear”.

With these criteria, we believe when people buy their gifts from Howel and Co, the recepient will be excited to receive your gift !

Started in 2015 under the name "Towel Boss", Howel and Co is currently striving to become the first and largest gift e-commerce site in Indonesia. Our VisionBecome #1 E-Commerce Gift in Indonesia by 2025

Our Mission

Bringing the perfect gift for everyone whenever there is a reason to celebrate

Việc làm

Sơ cấp

Sơ cấp
1 ~ 1 IDR / tháng

Trung cấp
1 ~ 1 IDR / tháng