SMBC_日商三井住友銀行股份有限公司台北分公司 cover image
Logo of SMBC_日商三井住友銀行股份有限公司台北分公司.
Logo of SMBC_日商三井住友銀行股份有限公司台北分公司.


Logo of SMBC_日商三井住友銀行股份有限公司台北分公司.
Logo of SMBC_日商三井住友銀行股份有限公司台北分公司.

Company summary

Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation (SMBC) is one of the world's largest banks with a total 28,000 employees worldwide. Our core values are "Integrity", "Customer First", "Proactive & Innovative", "Speed & Quality", and "Team SMBC". SMBC successfully reflects the commitments through offering the top quality of financial services to customers. SMBC Taipei Branch offers mainly corporate banking service, and starts the operation formally in May 2002. We provide not only professional banking service but also a competitive working environment to employees. 

2001年4月櫻花銀行(The Sakura Bank, Limited.)與住友銀行(The Sumitomo Bank Limited.)合併成立三井住友銀行(Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation)。 三井住友銀行台北分公司正式於2002年5月成立,營運以企業金融服務為主。 

Notification of Collection, Process and Usage of Personal Information:

Products or services

主要商品 / 服務項目

◆ 收受各種存款 

◆ 辦理放款 

◆ 辦理票據貼現 

◆ 投資公債、短期票券、公司債券、金融債券及以債券短期票券為投資範圍之證券投資信託基金之受益憑證 

◆ 辦理國內匯兌及外幣收兌 

◆ 辦理商業匯票之承兌 

◆ 簽發信用狀 

◆ 辦理國內保證業務(原執照所載辦理保證業務改列本項) 

◆ 代理收付款項 

◆ 辦理保管及倉庫業務 

◆ 辦理與營業執照上各款業務有關或經主管機關核准之代理服務業務 

◆ 辦理出口外匯、進口外匯、一般匯出及匯入匯款、外匯存款、外幣貸款及外幣擔保付款之保證業務 ◆ 辦理經主管機關核准辦理之衍生性金融商品業務 

◆ 辦理提供投資、財務管理顧問服務 

◆ 辦理與融資業務相關之財務顧問業務 

◆ 應收帳款承購業務 (FACTORING) 

◆ 應收債權買斷業務 (FORFAITING)

Employee benefits


◆ 保險類 - 勞工保險 - 全民健康保險 - 勞工退休金 - 員工團體保險 - 眷屬團體保險 - 意外險 - 職災保險 

◆ 制度類 - 教育訓練 - 每年定期健康檢查 

◆ 請 / 休假制度 - 週休二日 - 特休/年假 (優於勞基法) - 陪產假 - 家庭照顧假 

◆ 補助類 - 結婚禮金 - 生育津貼 - 住院慰問金 

◆ 職工福利 - 三節禮金 - 員工旅遊

1. Planning, coordinating and/or performing IT security/compliance related operation, and maintaining them at good compliance level. 2. Developing and enhancing information security management fram...
40K+ TWD / month
5 years of experience required
No management responsibility

1. Lead and Manage Remittance & Deposit functions for providing quality operation service. 2. Supervise day to day activities including: transactions, domestic payment processing (inward and outwar...
40K+ TWD / month
5 years of experience required
Managing 10-15 staff

1. Be a maker / checker for Remittance transactions, including inward remittance & outward remittance. 2. Prepare local reports and internal management reports. 3. Handle customer / Business Promot...
40K+ TWD / month
3 years of experience required
No management responsibility