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Logo of Seth Technologies Inc..
Logo of Seth Technologies Inc..

Seth Technologies Inc.

Logo of Seth Technologies Inc..
Seth Technologies Inc.
Logo of Seth Technologies Inc..
Seth Technologies Inc.


塞特科技的英文名稱為”Seth Technologies Inc.”,致力於统计數學、建模訓練、程式交易、通信網路等應用,為台灣投資市場注入海外成功經驗。
塞特科技包含了常春藤教授、投行交易員、match engine設計開發,誠摯邀請您的加入。


1. 數據分析
2. 高頻交易
3. 造市服務
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SETH Technologies, a Taipei-based trading firm, is offering internship positions for the role of quantitative analyst in the research department of the firm. Interns will participate in research pr...
5萬+ TWD / 月

SETH Technologies, a Taipei-based trading firm, is seeking quantitative developers for the development of the firm’s proprietary quantitative research and trading platform. Candidates must possess ...
6萬+ TWD / 月